Cougar Mail 3-8-19

Principal’s Message

from Jeff Calden

A Bit of Advice

What is Your Child Doing After School?

Once school is over, the High School has several options for students to be on campus.  The High School Library is open until 4:30 pm. Several teachers have their classrooms open each day after school. We have after-school sports, activities, clubs, and after-school tutoring available.  We can even help your student get an after-school job. Students may wait as long as they need for their ride home in the covered area in front of counseling next to the PAC. All of these options are safe and supervised until at least 4:00 p.m.


But “hanging out” in or around the school parking lots, at the transit bus stops, the areas around Castelli’s Deli, in or around the church parking lots, in Fall Creek, in downtown Felton, or at the Covered Bridge Park after school is not a good plan. There is nothing inherently wrong with any of these places. But your child simply hanging around unsupervised in certain areas after school hours is not a good choice.


Please talk to your child about not putting themselves in this type of an unsupervised situation. I have worked with too many parents who were under the impression that their child was taking the 3:00 transit bus home from school and getting started on their homework, only to realize too late that their child was doing lots of other things and then getting home 10 minutes before they knew mom or dad would be coming home from work.


A supervised kid with a purpose is a safe kid. An unsupervised group of teenagers with nothing to do can be bad news waiting to happen - even if they aren’t looking for it. You may trust your child, but do you trust everyone else who may be there when they make a poor decision about where to go?


High School is a time when our children grow up and start to interact with the world without us. It is an important part of life.  But there are some ways to do this that are less productive and more risky than others.  If you know where your child is, who they are with, and what are they doing between the time school gets out and the time you see them, the chances of a good day are drastically increased.  


ap exam registration is now open

It's Time to Sign Up for Advanced Placement Tests

It's time to plan for AP testing! Students must click this link to sign up for AP tests in May. All sign-ups must be completed by end-of-day March 22. The testing schedule is on the Google Form. Tests are $95 each, checks made to SLVHS. Please write your student's name and the test names in the memo line of the check. Payments go to Annina in the Administration Office. Payment due by April 26.  If your child is part of the free and reduced lunch program, we can offer reduced fees. Email Danielle Winters with questions at [email protected].  



san lorenzo valley high school college and career fair preparing for tomorrow, today!

SLVHS College and Career Fair

The SLVHS College & Career Fair will be on Wednesday, March 20th in the HS Gym.  

It will begin during 4th period at 11:15 am, run through lunch and end during 6th period at 2:00 pm.
Over 40 Colleges and Organizations are expected to attend. 
Please check out this super-cool video with more details about our upcoming College and Career Fair, including the schools, trades, and organizations that will be there.

SLVHS College and Career Fair Video


weekly schedule


Schedule for the Week of March 11 - 15


March 11


Early Release A Day - Dismissal at 2:01 

Cal Berkeley Junior Field Trip



March 12 


Grad Night Mtg 7:00 pm Staff Lounge  


March 13


Athletic Boosters Mtg 6:00 pm Staff Lounge  


March 14 



March 15

  High School Rally - HS Gym



prom dress drive!!

Prom Dress Donation Drive

SLVHS is seeking donations of prom dresses for our Prom Dress Donation Drive. During the week of March 4 students will able to come to the ASB room at lunch to look for a dress for prom.   If you have prom dress(es) to donate, please bring them to the SLVHS counseling office any time before March 4. Dresses need to please be in good condition and cleaned. Please contact Claire Hackett at [email protected] with any questions.  



international food fair

SLVHS International Food Fair this Year at Open House

SLVHS is having an International Food Fair at the 2019 Open House, which will be on Tuesday, April 30.  We are looking for people who would like to make and sell food from various cultures and countries.  The profits will be split 50/50 between the people who have booths and Valley Churches United (our local food bank/charity).  If you are interested in having a booth, please complete this survey:  Food Fair Booth Form

If you have questions, please contact Liam Debus at [email protected] or Claire Hackett at [email protected]


sex education

Sex Education for SLVHS Freshmen Begins on Monday, March 18

We are pleased to inform you that your child will have the opportunity to participate in the Teen Talk High School course in their Physical Education class beginning on Monday March 18, 2019. Teen Talk High School is a comprehensive sexuality education program developed by trained professionals at Health Connected (

Teen Talk High School is designed to provide an open forum for teenagers to ask questions and get medically-based, unbiased, and accurate information. Teen Talk High School complies with California Education Codes 51930-51939 (California Healthy Youth Act of 2015) and meets the California Health Education Content Standards under “Growth, Development and Sexual Health.”

Teen Talk High School covers the following topics:

  • Values Clarification
  • Sexual and Reproductive Anatomy
  • Abstinence/Not Having Sex


  • Healthy Relationships
  • Birth Control, including a condom demonstration
  • Pregnancy Options
  • Sexually Transmitted Infections, including HIV
  • Sexual Safety, Consent, and the Law
  • Sexual Identity & Gender
  • Sex in the Media
  • Communication and Decision-Making

A pre/post-assessment will be administered at the beginning and end of the course. The assessment covers sexual health knowledge that will be covered during the course as well as questions about student comfort and confidence in communicating about sexual health topics with peers, partners, and trusted adults. You can examine instructional materials, including assessments, at the school office. If you have questions, please see your child’s teacher or principal. State law allows you to remove your student from any portion of a comprehensive sexual health education course.

If you do not want your student to participate in this sexual health course, please give a note to your student’s Physical Education teacher by Friday, March 15, 2019. The goal of a comprehensive sexual health education program is to help students learn the facts and to make good decisions now, and later in life.  

cougar parents club

Food and Volunteers Needed for Staff Appreciation Lunch

On April 12th, the Cougar Club will be hosting the annual SLVHS Staff Appreciation Luncheon where we show our appreciation for the hard work done by of all our dedicated teachers to educate our children. We are asking SLVHS families to help out by contributing a salad, dessert, drink, or a donation to go toward the purchase of the main dish from Castelli’s Deli. We also need a few volunteers to help with set up, serving and clean up. You can sign up here to help recognize our teachers and staff.

We also still need a few more volunteers for the College and Career Fair midday on Wed. March 20. You can sign up here.



SLV Charter School Information Night

charter registration call 8313365167 for info


SLV Charter School Info night is coming up! If you or anyone you know is interested in learning more about what the Charter school has to offer please come to the information night on Tuesday, March 12th from 6-7pm at the SLV Middle School Library. Meet the teachers! Ask your questions! 



2019 Grad Night News - Support Our Seniors!

grad night activities call 8313354425 for information



Friends of Felton Library Open House  

felton library friends open house march 16 1:00-4:00



every day counts attend today achieve tomorrow

Attendance Matters!

Class attendance is an essential part of the educational process at San Lorenzo Valley High School. A student who is absent from class misses a significant portion of academic discussion and personal interaction with other students and the teacher. Illnesses are unavoidable, but appointments, vacations and day trips during school should be avoided. As the first semester ends and we start fresh with semester two, please take a look at school attendance policies that need to be followed.  Thanks.

California Education Code recognizes only the following reasons as excused absences: personal illness; religious holidays; medical or dental services; serious family emergencies; and/or school suspension. All other absences will be recorded as unexcused.

To clear an absence, call the Attendance Line at 335-3646

Please leave the following information when you call:

  • First and last name of the student
  • Date and period of the absence(s)
  • The specific reason for the absence
  • Phone number where the parent can be reached

Failure to clear absences will result in consequences including detention, loss of privileges (dances, sports contests) and possible truancy actions.



academic support

Teacher Support for Students After School and Lunch 

The Departments at SLVHS work to support students who are struggling and/or need to makeup work.

Teachers will assign students to get support for success.  Students may also drop in for help.

Please help us to support your child's academic success by having them attend when assigned.


The link to the schedule is below:

Department Academic Support Calendar


california school dashboard

California School Dashboard

The California School Dashboard is an online tool designed to help communities across the state access information about K–12 schools and districts. The Dashboard features reports on multiple measures of school success. Instead of looking at a single measure (test scores), the Dashboard looks at multiple measures to evaluate a district's and a school's performance. The Dashboard also is based on an improvement model, looking for districts and schools to make improvements, rather than simply comparing them to other districts and schools. You can access SLV district information and information about all schools in the district at this link:



scent free zone

This is a reminder that San Lorenzo Valley Unified School District policy, as set by the Board of Trustees, declares that we are a fragrant-neutral district. As we begin to have our drama performances and other site-based activities and meetings, please take care to follow the policies below for the sake of the students and members of our community who are highly allergic to fragrances and scents.

The SLVUSD Board of Trustees adopted a California School Board Association policy to make all district classrooms and offices fragrant neutral. SLVHS has parents, students, and community members with respiratory issues who can have negative reactions to fragrances. Please take care to follow the policy while on campus.  

Staff and students shall refrain from bringing furred or feathered animals, stuffed toys that may collect dust mites, scented candles, incense or air fresheners and from using perfume or cologne, scented hair spray, nail polish or nail polish remover that are not fragrance-free in classrooms or other enclosed areas or buildings. 




Below are some helpful links and contact information for SLV High School students and parents:



7105 Hwy 9, Felton, CA 95018

Phone: (831) 335-4425

Fax: (831) 335-1531

Attendance Line: (831) 335-3646


SLV High School Website  SLV High School Calendar


SLVHS Calendar for Families     SLVHS Student Handbook


SLVUSD 2017-18 School Year Calendar    


Administration        Staff Directory         Campus Map


SLVHS Cougar Parent Club      SLVHS Athletics Booster Club





Click Here for District Community Opportunities Web Page


Congratulations to our SLV High School Students of the Week

student of the week brianna wright and chloe palmer


words of wisdom

wap wap wap "calvin what are you doing to the coffee table? calvin looks at table full of pounded nails "is this some sort of trick question, or what?