Class attendance is an essential part of the educational process at San Lorenzo Valley High School. A student who is absent from class misses a significant portion of academic discussion and personal interaction with other students and the teacher. Illnesses are unavoidable, but appointments, vacations and day trips during school should be avoided.
California Education Code recognizes only the following reasons as excused absences: personal illness; religious holidays; medical or dental services; serious family emergencies; and/or school suspension. All other absences will be recorded as unexcused.
CLEARING ABSENCES (There are two methods for clearing absences)
Option One – Call the Attendance Line and Leave a Message
Please call the attendance line, preferably the day that your student is absent, at 335-3646. This phone line is available 24/7. Please leave the following information when you call:
a) First and last name of the student
b) Date and period of the absence(s)
c) The specific reason for the absence
d) Phone number where the parent can be reached
Option Two – Send Your Student Back to School with a Note
Alternately, you can send your student back to school the day they return with a note that includes all information listed above. You can download parent note form below.
California Education Code recognizes only the following reasons as excused absences: personal illness; religious holidays; medical or dental services; serious family emergencies; and/or school suspension. All other absences will be recorded as unexcused.
CLEARING ABSENCES (There are two methods for clearing absences)
Option One – Call the Attendance Line and Leave a Message
Please call the attendance line, preferably the day that your student is absent, at 335-3646. This phone line is available 24/7. Please leave the following information when you call:
a) First and last name of the student
b) Date and period of the absence(s)
c) The specific reason for the absence
d) Phone number where the parent can be reached
Option Two – Send Your Student Back to School with a Note
Alternately, you can send your student back to school the day they return with a note that includes all information listed above. You can download parent note form below.
- Before school starts, the student takes the note to the attendance office where a Re-Admit Slip will be issued. This Re-Admit Slip allows the student back into class that day.
- The student must keep the Re-Admit Slip in a safe place and show it to each of their teachers throughout the day. This lets the teachers know the student’s absence has been excused.
- Zero Period classes will have to come up to the office during the day with their note and show the re-admit to the teacher the next day since the office is not open before zero period starts.
- Failure to clear absences will result in consequences including detention, loss of privileges (dances, sports contests) and possible in-school suspension.
- If the student does not get the re-admit before school starts, and is sent up to the office to get one, the student will be considered tardy.
Excessive Absences
Chronic Absence letter will be mailed home to parents when students have had absences, both excused and/or unexcused, that equal more than 10% of the school year. According to District policy, all absences past 14 in a year require a physician’s note. These letters follow the legal codes regarding compulsory attendance. If appropriate, a referral will be made to the County School Attendance Review Board (SARB)
School Messenger
An automated phone caller will notify parents/guardians nightly of any period absence for that current school day. There is an option to reply to the automated call.
If you have any questions regarding any of these policies please contact Assistant Principal Dave Poetzinger at [email protected] or 335-4425 x202
Chronic Absence letter will be mailed home to parents when students have had absences, both excused and/or unexcused, that equal more than 10% of the school year. According to District policy, all absences past 14 in a year require a physician’s note. These letters follow the legal codes regarding compulsory attendance. If appropriate, a referral will be made to the County School Attendance Review Board (SARB)
School Messenger
An automated phone caller will notify parents/guardians nightly of any period absence for that current school day. There is an option to reply to the automated call.
If you have any questions regarding any of these policies please contact Assistant Principal Dave Poetzinger at [email protected] or 335-4425 x202