Greetings Seniors and Parents,
Just checking in with a few reminders:
Friday Nov. 1. No School. I hope you all have a fun and safe Halloween & enjoy the extra treat of getting to sleep in the next day!
Friday Nov. 1. Early Action deadline for some colleges. I have touched base with most of you who are planning on doing Early Action. Remember, your transcript and recommendation letters must be sent in by this day as well. Please email me if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks for being pro-active!
Saturday, Nov. 2. SATs Last chance to take SATs for some colleges (Cal Poly, SJSU, SDSU). Good luck to those of you who are taking it.
Friday Nov 8. Grading Period 2 Ends. Please keep checking Schoology and stay in contact with your teachers regarding any make up assignments that need to be completed. Teachers are the first point of contact, they know what you can still make up and how to best prioritize your assignments. Don't forget if you want to remain eligible for sports and drama productions, students must maintain a GPA of 2.0 and have no F's.
Enjoy the long weekend.
Take care,
Leslie Burns
College, Career and Academic Counselor
College, Career and Academic Counselor