From the Junior Counselor - March 19th Edition

I wanted to touch base with all of you as we continue to slog through the month of March (which is always one of the longest months of the school year). I know that many of you are hitting your walls. I want to encourage you to hang in there and keep going. Help is on the way!!!
Here's what's coming:
Hybrid Instruction starts April 27th for upper classes:
If all goes according to plan, those juniors that want to, will return to campus on April 27th for 2 afternoons each week to have small group instruction with their teachers. 
Juniors will still go to online classes in the mornings and teachers will be able to reinforce the morning lessons with labs and hands-on activities in the afternoons. You will also actually get to be in the same room as some of your classmates. Sounds like a great way to end the year and get all your grades up.
Summer School will be live on campus:
For students who only need to make up a D or F final grade in one of your classes I will be reaching out in April to offer you the opportunity to go to summer school for 4 weeks to make up 1 class. Our high school summer school program will run from Thursday, June 10th through Tuesday, July 7th. We are planning to offer a variety of classes so we can help students get back on track for graduation and college goals. More information to come but please save those dates if you know you need summer school. 
County summer school 
will be available for students who need more than 1 class or need to take a class we don't have available. I will be doing those referrals in April as well. I do not yet have their dates for summer school but tentatively plan on June 14th-July 23rd.
Next Progress Report 
The last progress report before final grades for semester 2 will be based on grades on April 16th and sent out the following week. I will base some of my summer school referrals on these grades as well as your previous grades.
College Information
Building your college lists: 
I will be continuing to stress this in Monday Specials especially for students that want to go straight to a 4 year undergraduate program and for students that are planning on going to community college with the goal of transferring to a 4 year school. 
Over spring break junior year used to be the perfect time to go on a college road trip with your parents. Instead spend some time taking online tours. Here's some helpful websites for you to explore:
For the next Monday Special we will be doing a Values exercise to help students start pinpointing their priorities and how they can make positive steps towards their individual future college and career goals. 
I am loving seeing so many athletes on campus. You can still join a sports team if you are interested. Let me know if you need further information. And for the rest of you, I am looking forward to seeing many of you in a few weeks. I am here to help as you transition back. Please feel free to reach out by email or zoom appointment
Take care of yourselves,
Leslie Burns
College, Career and Academic Counselor