Newsletter 4-30-21


Principal’s Message

from Jeff Calden


I can't tell you how wonderful it was to see so many Students and Teachers on campus this week. Last week was a fun test drive with our Freshmen, but having all four grade levels back was very special.

Especially our Seniors. Hot Diggity Dog, were we glad to see them!!! Going into classrooms and seeing students working with teachers, kids walking around campus having fun, school felt normal for the first time in a long time. Enjoy a nice sunny weekend, and you AP Students - go to bed early - you are getting up EARLY next week!


advance placement exams

Advanced Placement Exams begin at SLV Next Week.  AP Government Test is MONDAY MORNING!

AP Testing Begins at SLV next week.  The AP Government Test is Monday.  The AP Literature Test is Wednesday, and the AP US History Test is Thursday.

If you are taking a test next week - READ ALL OF THIS:  It is the email I sent to the AP Government Students who need to be at the Middle School Gym at 7:30 am Monday morning.

Everything in this email applies to ALL 3 TESTS next week.  All three begin at 8 am and students must be there by 7:30.  AP Rules are VERY STRICT.  Learn them NOW!

We have to follow them exactly or student exams could be nullified.  Meaning - they don't count.



You have an AP test this coming week and it will be held in the SLV Middle School Gym.  

The Exam will begin at 8 am.  YOU NEED TO BE THERE BY 7:30 AM!

There is about 20-30 minutes of bubbling and pre-exam instruction that need to be done before we start.

The Exam will start at 8:00 am. 

 If you are not there when the Exam starts - YOU CANNOT TAKE THE EXAM

I cannot stress enough how important it is that you are on time.


Bring a pencil or two. Bring a black or dark blue pen. 

We will have extra pens and pencils, but don't count on somebody else. Take care of yourself.


The test is 3 hours long.  There is a 10 minute break near the middle.

When you arrive, you will be seated at your own table. Tables will be socially distanced.

You must be wearing a mask and keep it on for the duration of the test.  

When you sit down, you will get your pencils and pens onto the table and then everything else goes into your backpack and we collect the backpacks.




Not in your pocket, not on your table.  It will be turned off, in a separate room.  And no - you can't check it during the break.  This is a non-negotiable AP Test rule. 

We cannot allow you to test with access to a phone. 


Okay - Sorry about all that boldedhighlighted,  ALL CAPS stuff, but you need to be aware of how strict the AP rules are and that we have to follow them.

Now that all the mean stuff about being on time and no phone for three whole hours is out of the way...

You got this!  You are ready for the test.  You can do it!  


If you are stressed about the test when it is about to start do this:  Close your eyes - take a deep breath - in through your nose slowly -  hold it for 5 seconds -  then out through your mouth slowly.  Do that 5 times and it will calm your brain and body. I know it sounds weird, but it works.


Best of luck,

Mr. Calden


AP Exam Payment is Needed. Please bring a check to the HS Office to Pay for your A.P. Exams

Cost is $95 per exam at the regular rate, $53 per exam at the reduced rate. You qualify for the reduced rate if you are approved for the Free/Reduced Lunch program. 

If you believe your financial situation qualifies you for the reduced rate, submit an application for the Free/Reduced Lunch program as soon as possible, even if you don’t want school

Payment is past due. Please make checks payable to SLVHS with student name and which exam(s) in the memo line. 

Drop off checks at the admin office from 8am to 3pm, or mail before the deadline to: 


San Lorenzo Valley High School

Attn: Annina Hausmann

7105 Highway 9

Felton, CA 95018


If you have any questions or concerns about payment, please contact Annina Hausmann at [email protected]



covid-19 vaccination

COVID Vaccines for Students 16-19 years olds are Available at SLV next Tuesday, May 4th

SLVUSD and the Santa Cruz County Office of Education are partnering with Safeway to launch three student vaccine clinics next week. These clinics are for ANY student 16-19 years of age, SLVUSD staff member, or family member. The Pfizier vaccine will be administered. A clinic for administration of 2nd doses administration will be scheduled within 3 weeks. 


Dates, Times, and Locations:

May 4th - 1-5 PM

San Lorenzo Valley Middle School Gym

7179 Hacienda Way, Felton, CA 95018


May 5th -1-5 PM

Harbor High School Multi Purpose Room

300 La Fonda Ave, Santa Cruz, CA 95062


May 6th - 1-5 PM

Pajaro Valley High School Gym

500 Harkins Slough Rd, Watsonville, CA 95076


Photo ID and Insurance Card (if the student has medical insurance) is required. A student print-out of their picture from the Student Information System will work for identification. 


Booking Appointments - Student/Parental Consent

To book an appointment for these clinics please complete parent/guardian (for students under 18) or student consent (for students over 18) here: Once complete, you will receive an email with a booking link. 


Booking Appointments - Student/Parental Consent Completed 

Already completed consent? You can book directly here: ALL Students must have consent completed. If you are not sure you have one completed, please complete consent first! 


Email Addresses While Booking

Please use different email addresses for each student when booking the appointment to keep the student information unique. 


Booking Appointments - Adults (staff member or family member 18+)

To book an appointment for these clinics use the following link:


Second Dose Appointments

All second dose appointments will be automatically scheduled 3 weeks



Grad Night Donation Drive - Tomorrow - Saturday, May 1st at SLVHS Parking Lot

goodwill donations; call 3354425 x201 for details



weekly schedule

Schedule for SLV High School: Schedule for April 26th to April 30th


May 3

Monday Special Day


AP Government Test

Arrive 7:30 am at the MS Gym


Monday Homeroom

8:30 - 8:50

Attendance Taken & 

Monday Specials Explained by Teacher


Monday Special Activities


Students Must Complete 

All Three Activities 

For Full Credit



May 4

O Day






Morning Online

Zero Period  7:45-8:25

1st Period      8:30-9:30

3rd Period   9:35-10:35

5th Period 10:40-11:40


Lunch        11:45-12:55


Afternoon Hybrid

1st Per A    12:55 - 1:45

3rd Per A      1:50- 2:40

5th Per A     2:45 - 3:35


  May 5

E Day


AP Literature Test

Arrive 7:30 am at the MS Gym


Morning Online

Zero Period   7:45-8:25

2nd Period     8:30-9:30

4th Period    9:35-10:35

6th Period  10:40-11:40


Lunch        11:45-12:55


Afternoon Hybrid

2nd Per A   12:55 - 1:45

4th  Per A      1:50- 2:40

6th  Per A     2:45 - 3:35




May 6

O Day


AP US History Test

Arrive 7:30 am at the MS Gym


Morning Online

Zero Period  7:45-8:25

1st Period     8:30-9:30

3rd Period   9:35-10:35

5th Period 10:40-11:40


Lunch        11:45-12:55


Afternoon Hybrid

1st Per B   12:55 - 1:45

3rd Per B     1:50- 2:40

5th Per B     2:45 - 3:35


May 7

  E Day 






Morning Online

Zero Period   7:45-8:25

2nd Period     8:30-9:30

4th Period   9:35-10:35

6th Period  10:40-11:40


Lunch        11:45-12:55


Afternoon Hybrid

2nd Per B   12:55 - 1:45

4th  Per B      1:50- 2:40

6th  Per B     2:45 - 3:35



Bell Schedule for the Morning Session for ALL STUDENTS and the Afternoon Hybrid Schedule.

bell scedule; call 3354425 x201 for details


Metro Bus Schedule

And here is a schedule of the Metro Buses that are running for our new Afternoon Schedule

bus schedule; call 3354425 x201 for details



grad night

Check out the Grad Night Store for New SLV T-shirts, Sweatshirts, and Masks.

The grad night store is open for business!  

Visit our grad night website to see our limited edition t-shirts, sweatshirts, and masks. Sale ends March 31st!  

Masks are also available to purchase through our store. Stay tuned for additional merchandise that will be added soon.


Direct donations are always welcome at

Thank you for supporting the class of 2021 seniors!!


sns banner

daily meal info; email for details



SLVHS 2021 Yearbook is Now on Sale!

The San Lorenzo Valley High School yearbook is up and running and is for sale for the next two months for $80.

Editors Carlina Grillo, Ruby Gonda, Jadynne Swint, Amaya Gordon and their staff are working hard to bring a 204-page, full-color yearbook that represents the best, the most interesting, the happiest, as well as the most moving and memorable experiences of this year at SLVHS.

The yearbook is available for purchase at:

The SLVHS yearbook has completely sold out the past two years; please purchase your copy now to make sure you have yours in May.


the claw

SLV High School Newspaper is Now Available Online

The Claw newspaper is publishing online issues every two weeks.



Click Here for District Community Opportunities Web Page


words of wisdom

when nothing goes right, go left